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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

Went to see the film that everyone is talking about the other night. Though before you ask what took me so long - when you live in a world of two screen cinemas it takes a while for stuff to filter through. This was the first week it was showing at Bowness-on-Windermere - though waiting is worth it. The main screen at Bowness has a circle as well as stalls. I for one end up with an aching neck in most cinemas. In the circle at Bowness you're looking down on the screen - much more comfortable. And the seats are proper old fashioned comfortable seats too.

Anyway - back to the film. It was good - but I agree with much of what Niles has said. It's obvious that it came out of a short story - and they haven't added anything to it to eek it out into a two and a half hour film. After the inital rush of action during the first summer, you end up with huge spaces of nothing, and I thought it had rather fizzled out by the end.

That said, the scenery is fantastic, and the acting great. And bottom line, this is a mainstream film tackling the question of homosexuality (even if it wasn't that thought provoking) in an environment where it's still not really accepted - and it should be given credit where credit's due for this.

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About me

Hi! I'm Paul - and as you might have guessed I live in the Lakes. I work up here (or down here if you're Scottish) in PR type stuff.

Much of my spare time is spent on the fells - an avid hiker in one of the best places in the country for it.

Bit of a Radio 4 junkie, and a fan of the jazz of the likes of Jamie Cullum and Peter Cincotti. Not sure what that says about me!


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